Build Your Leadership Brand

Your Leadership Brand is the leader that you want to be and for others to see. It’s the vision you have for yourself and the impact you want to have on the business and those around you and the legacy that you would like to leave on your company or team. For your Leadership brand…

brain priming

Prime Your Brain for success

Your brain is a phenomenal instrument! But you have to learn how to master this instrument to get the most out of it. Neuroscience has shown us that 90% of our success comes from how we THINK.  So by changing the way we think, we can change our outcomes in every aspect of our lives.…

Remote Work Rituals

Back when we mostly worked in offices, these spaces provided us with a supportive, information-rich and always-on environment. We had a constant flow of social and subliminal information about our team mates and company. This meant that leaders and teams didn’t have to try too hard to see what was going on. Compare this with…